15-bit (5-5-5) Hex to RGB Converter
Convert any hexadecimal color code (like #FF0000) to its 15-bit (5-5-5) RGB values. Simply enter a hex color code below to see its RGB equivalent. Supports both 3-digit (#RGB) and 6-digit (#RRGGBB) hex codes.
About 15-bit (5-5-5) Color Mode
15-bit color, commonly known as High Color, uses 5 bits each for red, green, and blue components (0-31), allowing for 32,768 unique colors. This format was popular in the mid-1990s and was used in many computer displays and game consoles. With 32 possible values per color component, it could display photographic images with reasonable quality while using less memory than 24-bit color. It was a significant improvement over earlier color modes and remained relevant until True Color became standard.