18-bit Hex to RGB Converter

Convert any hexadecimal color code (like #FF0000) to its 18-bit RGB values. Simply enter a hex color code below to see its RGB equivalent. Supports both 3-digit (#RGB) and 6-digit (#RRGGBB) hex codes.

RGB Values
RGB: 255, 0, 0
Quick Colors
Color Preview

About 18-bit Color Mode

18-bit color uses 6 bits each for red, green, and blue components (0-63), allowing for 262,144 unique colors. This format serves as a middle ground between High Color (15-bit) and True Color (24-bit). With 64 possible values per component, it can represent subtle color gradients quite well while using less memory than 24-bit color. This format was used in some LCD panels and specialized graphics systems where a balance between color quality and resource usage was needed.